
PhotonFramework is a Roblox game framework, made to make game development easier! PhotonFramework is maintained by Madonox, questions can be asked within MadX Industries,

What does PhotonFramework offer?

PhotonFramework offers a plethora of services for developers to interact with, from a UUID management service to a physics calculation service! Additionally, PhotonFramework was made with the idea of allowing as much modifications as possible, from creating your own custom services to modifying internal services with ease!

Want to jump right in?

If you're a quick learner, and know the ropes of the LuaU programming language, you can start by directly using the raw documentation for PhotonFramework.

pageRaw Documentation

Want to deep dive?

Dive a little deeper and start exploring our API reference to get an idea of everything that's possible with the API:

pageRaw Documentation

Last updated